
Soft tissue treatment often involves the following methods to overlap; Joanna incorporates a variety of these to give the best quality of care for the individual. However if you require just one particular form of treatment this can also be done.

Deep Tissue Massage £25 per hour 35 for 90 mins

It’s often thought that deep tissue massage is only for the active person, this is not necessarily true. This type of massage can be modified to suit all body types and all levels of comfort. It is a very effective hands on treatment that can provide a copious amount of relief from a wide variety of injuries and ailments.

Sports Massage £25 per hour 35 for 90 mins
Very similar to deep tissue massage sports massage can be effective in all body types despite what the name implies (The name is derived from the popularity this style of massage has become amongst athletes). Again this method of treatment can be altered to suit all and is specifically effective on sporting injuries and muscle tension.

Ice Massage £25 per hour 35 for 90 mins

Is a wonderful alternative for those who love to feel refreshed and revitalised after a massage. Ice massage is also very effective for those recovering from a sporting event or who regularly exercise. It is great for recent sport injuries and helps aid in the recovery process.

Trigger Point Therapy £25 per hour 35 for 90 mins
Trigger point therapy works on those ‘Knots’ in your muscles also known as myofascial trigger points. These ‘knots’ are a small collection of tightly contracted muscles that are known to radiate pain within the body. Trigger point therapy involves dealing with these points helping to release the muscle and reduce pain and increase range of movement. This form of therapy can be incorporated into any of the massage treatments or can be used during myofascial dry needling.

Myofascial Dry Needling  £25 per hour + 5 per area £35 for 90 mins plus 5 per area

Myofascial dry needling is a hands on therapy technique that aims to eliminate trigger point pain from muscles. A very fine solid filament needle is inserted into the muscle after palpitation to identify the trigger point. Patients often don’t feel the insertion of the needle but may feel the muscle twitch or a small cramp once the trigger point is reaches. This is an indication that the trigger point has been eliminated. Local twitching with dry needling is the first step in breaking the pain cycle. Myofascial dry needling is effective in treating variety of musculoskeletal problems including, but not limited to: Acute/Chronic injuries, Headaches, Neck/Back pain, Tendinitis, Muscle Spasms, "Sciatica", Hip/Knee pain, Muscle strains, Fibromyalgia, "Tennis/Golfer's Elbow", PFPS,Overuse injuries.

Chinese Cupping £30 per hour 40 for 90 mins
Cupping is an ancient Chinese massage therapy one that can provide an especially pleasant experience. The name derives from the small glass cups used during the treatment. A small flame is placed under an inverted cup causing an increased temperature of the air inside, the cup is then placed on the skin and as the air cools it’s creates a suction. The flame is not used near the skin or used during the treatment; it is only used to create the heat that causes the suction. Once the suction has occurred, the cups can be gently moved across the skin (often referred to as "gliding cupping”). The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage - rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. For most patients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation. Once suctioned, the cups are generally left in place for about ten minutes while the patient relaxes.
The theory behind cupping is that the suction of the cup mobilises blood flow which helps promote healing and remove congestion from the muscles. It can be used to treat many musculoskeletal issues, rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia, anxiety depression and many other conditions.

Corrective Exercise Training

Corrective exercise training incorporates strengthening exercises and stretching to help correct muscular imbalances that cause chronic pain. Mobility and range of movement is assessed to judge the degree of imbalance from this a personalised treatment plan is designed.

Strapping 5

Strapping or tapping is used to support anatomical structures with identified weakness to reduce pain and increase healing. Strapping is also used to reinforce and limit unwanted movement of a joint. Strapping is generally used for sports injuries but also other musculoskeletal problems and can also be used to improve postural problems.